It is with an immense joy and feeling of gratitude for our San Antonio community that we invite all for the inauguration of 1st Patanjali yog mandiram of the country The highlight of the event is the viewing of the movie “Yoga Unveiled “ ! After the inauguration and the lunch we will be watching the movie together as a family as we educate ourselves with the history of Yoga , the best of the gifts Bharat has to offer to the worldEvent Timeline11 am - Inauguration & Yoga demo12 pm - Bhojan (lunch)1 pm - Viewing of movie "Yoga Unveiled"Kindly RSVP for event! Name *No. of Adults attending the poojaNo. of Kids attending the poojaEmail Address *Cell Phone *Suggested Donation51101151201501Name on cardStreet Address *Apartment, suite, etcCity *State *ZIP Code *DonationCredit / Debit Card *Submit Registration